Sleeping Dogs (David Hirschfelder) - Immersive Mix
Late Night With the Devil (Roscoe James Irwin) - Recording and Mix (band tracks)
Blueback (Nigel Westlake) - Recording and Immersive Mix (MSO)
Escape From Pretoria (David Hirschfelder) - Immersive Mix
Ride Like A Girl (David Hirschfelder) - Immersive Mix
The Whistleblower (David Hirschfelder) - Immersive Mix
Judy & Punch (Francois Tetaz) - Additional Recording
Dance Academy(David Hirschfelder) - Immersive Mix
Ali's Wedding(Nigel Westlake) - Recording and Immersive Mix (SSO)
The Dressmaker (David Hirschfelder) - Immersive Mix
Babe [20th Anniversary Original Soundtrack] (Nigel Westlake) - recording and mix (MSO)
Paper Planes (Nigel Westlake) - Recording and Immersive Mix (MSO)
Errors Of The Human Body (Anthony Pateras) - Recording, Production, Stereo Mix
Rogue (François Tétaz) - Recording and additional Immersive Mix
Wolf Creek (François Tétaz) - Additional Recording